Presentations and Teaching


Old Meets New: A Consolidation Technique for Water Sensitive Lacquer Surfaces. AIC.  1 June 2017


Presentation accompanying research performed on the use of silicone solvents as a barrier layer during the consolidation of water sensitive lacquer surfaces for the Wooden Artifact Group at the annual AIC conference, Chicago. 


The Storm Window Project: Monitoring Light in Winterthur’s Collection. Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art ConservationAugust 2016

Presentation summarizing the results of the Storm Window Project, a four year project analyzing light levels within the historic home given to first year students in their Preventive Conservation Block. 


Rehousing of Hough’s American Woods. AIC. 14 May 2016.


Presentation on the rehousing project for Hough’s American Woods to the Storage Technologies for Art, Science, and History group at the annual AIC conference, Montreal, Canada.


Supervisor for Undergraduate Interns. University of Delaware. Spring 2016.


Teach two students as part of their undergraduate coursework at the University of Delaware on rehousing materials and techniques for multi-object collections at Winterthur


Lacquer Conservation and Fill Techniques. Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation17 December 2015


Assist with teaching the first year graduate students during the wood block during the lectures on lacquer conservation and fill techniques. Manufacture of demo boards made from conservation materials used for fills.


Woodworking Training Assistant. Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation. Summer 2011.

Assist training 2nd year graduate students on machine working wood at Winterthur.